Hadzo, Patareni's old guitarist came to a E.N.T show in Zagreb, recorded it with a walkman, did the vinyl pressing, cover artwork etc and released the bootleg without asking E.N.T.'s authorization but sending them loads of copies for free. Hazdo claims this was an effort to fund hospital fees for a friend who had an accident and assumes this is not a bootleg because of sending tons of copies to E.N.T, on the other hand, E.N.T. never accepted Live Noize as official release because Hazdo never asked permission.
Anyway, bootleg or not this shit includes six Patareni tracks recorded at Ecstacy, (West) Berlin,21.4.1990 and three E.N.T. tracks from a show at Skuc.Zagreb,27.10.1988, the label that released it was Falsanja Kol'Ko's Records in 1990. Six Patareni and three E.N.T tracks is a matter of speaking since the sound quality is not the best in the bootleg world, the kind of noise that Beethoven would thank god for being deaf but a kind of noise that a crustie would prefer to burn some brain cells in eleven minutes of sonic disaster. Enjoy it
Patareni noise:
01:Fuck you at all
03:Smradovi u prolazu
04:O.T.P. (Omladi Treba Pomoci)
05:Obrij me majko motornom pilom06:Sopen
Extreme Noise Terror noise:
02:Rapping the earth
03:Show us you care