Reach A Mental Road was an obscure act from Sendai, Japan, they started as Rich Mate Rally (perhaps this means Rich Materially or something like that...) they appeared in Give us The Time to Play 2x7" (1990, Lifestyle Sound) and they had a split with Dr & The Crippens (from Sendai too) on MCR Co.. (Speaking of Sendai scene, take a look at Hardcore Showcase lp with several unknown japcore bands)
The split comes in gate-fold cover and includes lyrics in English and some translation in Japanese, music wise Hiatus deliver their usual Doom/early Extreme Noise Terror crustcore in four songs, the side opens with an atmospheric intro, Narrow Minded.. and Positive Smoking Attitude are fast but in Inside Death they slow down the speed, Hey Bob is a three seconds joke song and its what the title says:-"Hey Bob! WHAT?(growl)", P.S.A. is the appropriate song for the new anti-smoking law (no smoking in pubs,bars,restaurants, etc, free smoking on the street, wow! this is the solution to the financial crisis!). On the other side, Reach A Mental Road contribute two tracks of raw, aggressive and fast hardcore, He's singing style(He is the name,ok?) is another proof that this is a Japanese band, lyrics seem to be a little mistranslated or whatever and remind of Iconoclast's lyrical shit.
This time ranting will be a little shorter than the usual. I have a bunch of rips (though no scans yet) of old posts and someday there will be a massive re-post of old posts that are in low quality and no scans but it will take some time

another ace
thanx re sy :)
just finnished the rip of the liberate/selfish split....
so...next post is sweaty dedicated...
hehe, thanks ;)
afto to split den ypirxe pouthena se kanena site,blog,slsk,fora klp alla akoma k etsi sta @@ tous
isos sou steilo mail an de varetho na deis ti paizei me merikous magkes pou exoun parei kapoion kosmo ap ta blog (k me kathe click isos k na ta oikonomane)
Thx, was looking for this one!
Fucking love Hiatus, need to go back and see what all you have, although the actual vinyl would be cool. Great writeup as usual, thanx as always. Hope things are even just a tiny bit better where you're at.
thanks for your kind words Justin, things are still hard and we are in the bottom of this shithole, hope only will not get worse
Vladimir here from Bulgaria. I'd like to thank you,I've been downloading from your site for some time now - excellent music and really informative writing! On other note, I've just launched my webzine,please check it out and if you find it appropriate may I suggest putting alink to it in youe e-zine section? I'm pretty excited about this webzine of mine,it's mostly Metal up so far but I love Punk/HC/Crust so I hope I can cover these styles in the future,too. Keep on the great work!
thanks for the comment,you are added in e-zine section.best wishes :)
Thanks a lot! Should I try to get you some BG bands?
thats nice,thanx! :)
the bottom of this shithole, hope only will not get worst.
den eimai pessimistis but will get worse ,elegxomenh ptvxeysh legetai.h kuvernhsh nomize oti tha elyne to provlima auksanontas toys foroys alla phre to trito to makritero.oi dhmosioi upallhloi tha meivthoun kai o tzefry to kserei kai thelei na thn kanei.telos panton diskoloi kairoi erxontai alla gia pankhdes mia zvh etsi htan.
kalo blog an kai apo crust den polyskampazv...to sthsimo einai oraio me scan kai info...
file mou den exeis adiko,to vlepo to megalo kouradi na erxetai k den yparxei diexodos na xefygoume,xese mesa eimaste.to oti ginetai logos gia elegx. xreokopia afto to kairo isos na einai k proeklogiko paixnidi gia na fovithei o kosmos (k na psifizei tous pasokoypopsifious)alla ap tin alli otan vlepeis oti den travaei para to palouki pou mas xonoun,otan paizei sa senario apo oikonomologous,klp klp...paei na pei oti ton ipiame..
thanks yia ta kala sou logia gia to blog,to Abracatabra to xero edo k poly kairo, to post me ti Sotiria Mpelou to kalitero post se punk blog ever.
cheers from chile
great work
download CRUDO SOY zine, a vandalic zine of hardcore, punk, thrash, crust, grindcore from this country
Gracias!blog link is added and zine is posted in Punks is Hippies blog. cheers!
sotiria bellou ta spaei xaxa.se liges meres kleinei trietia to blog mou..evgale ta prvta tou anarcho-dontia xaxa
happy b-day!!!.eimai ligo megaliteros,ekleisa ta tria xronia tin anoixi,perpatao pia, exo vgalei dontia, ematha na milao k ematha k tis protes kakes lexeis lol lol lol lol
did you notice that lady gaga in her videoclip with beyonce wore a leather jacket with doom logo, icons of filth and gism?
poly gelio....tha trizoun ta kokala tou tragoudisth tvn icons.
a kai kati allo...diapistvses oti o bono diafhmizei louis vuitton bags kai ta xrhmata leei tha pane gia kalo skopo...the animals agree with that?
autos o bono mou kathetai ston laimo xaxa
yeah i have seen the video,ap'oti xero i idia sxediazei ta rouxa ou vazei
des afto:
einai i Mel C (ex-Spicy Girlz),emfanizetai enas crustas sto 1.35 & 2.25
o bono einai malakas periopis,to episodeio tou South Park pou ton xeftilizoun einai gamato.otan eixan erthei oi U2 prin 10-12 xronia legan se ola ta kanalia oti xodevan ena myrio draxmes kathe mera,re oust!
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