Rotting Christ need no introduction, before they become known as metal lords they were a noisecore/grindcore band, they recorded a few demo tapes with Carcass-ic medical lyrics (Decline's Return, Leprosy of Death) before they start their journey into black metal realms with Satanas Tedeum demo from 1989. Internet is full of info and resources about them so there is no need to blurb any shit.
Sound Pollution was formed in 1988 as Ηχορύπανση (Ehorypansi, sound pollution in Greek), they recorded a couple of demo tapes: Practic Holocaust (1988) and Demo 1989, they had a split tape with Seven Minutes of Nausea (contributing the 2nd demo tracks) and appeared in Nobody Listens Anymore comp (1988, PPR Records). After some line up changes the band split into two new bands:the black metallers Varathron and the crusties Industrial Suicide (Βιομηχανική Αυτοκτονία,Viomihaniki Aftoktonia) which included people from Forgotten Prophecy and Negative Stance, I.S recorded two demo tapes (demo 1989 and demo 1990), they appeared in Delirum Tremens #17, Bonds of Friendship benefit comp. (1990,tape) and called it a day in 1991 or so, some members along with people from Panikos and Social Outcasts continued with Human Lethargy.
Both bands deliver similar psychoterroristic grindcore farting songs of a less than a minute lenght each, Rotting Christ deliver their Carcass-ic medical terminology with gory background while Sound Pollution grunts and growls are more into socio-political side of things, furthermore the bands shared some members (i think the "vocalist" is the same person in this recording, any help from old time Greek grinders is appreciated), sound quality is horrible, the record came in blue vinyl (this one here is a bootleg) consisting of nine Rotting Christ and ten Sound Pollution songs (or "songs") and a sheet with lyrics was included.
From a comment on Youtube written by Spyros (a.k.a. Captain Death), Sound Pollution-Varathron and Vomit drummer, we found that the influences of S.P were Doom, Napalm Death,Siege and Mob47. Carcass, Sarcofago and Agathocles were the inspiration of R.C and this split was supposed to be with S.P. and a Yugoslavian band but finally RC covered the other side of vinyl.
This split reaches incredibly high prices when pops up on ebay, just take a look at this picture ( or search it in Discogs.com) and to coin Roilo Golez of Brave New World blog, "The Greek government should take in consideration the potential of their early local noise band to solve their public debt crisis." Well i don't if this post speeds on the process to downfall or reduces the imaginary income this record could bring to Greek state as a parameter in a chaotic mathematical equation ( and i have no remorse at all,hahahaha!) but on the other hand this record and its chaotic wrath beyond music forms and the usual formulas describes the Greek Indignados, even the cover artwork is connected with them: Some gallows appeared today in front of Greek parliament, watch it here :)
Sound Pollution demos links are taken from Cerdos Distructores, Raf666Underground, Lord Agz! Punk As Fuck 777 Not 666 and Brave New World,i ranted too much,go get it and torture your ears

ah man! this is awesome!!!! I've been a fan of Rotting Christ since I was 13, and never heard about this! Thanx so much for uploading!
even as a grind/noise band, the melodic trademark rotting christ riffs and ambient-style vocals are present :D
I forgot all about Sound Pollution. I have the practice holocaust demo and I will definately enjoy the download. Thanks
Hey!! Hi from $hile, we are a crust punk band call "morder", we are ex-members of diferents bands like "la ira de bonanno","pulpita de fruta" and "nacidxs del fuego", we edite a demo kct and we are distribuing here in this zone, but always is hard, we dont use myspace and thats make more dificult. We upload the demo to mediafire, and we want to now if yo can upload to the blog. The direction is http://www.mediafire.com/?mt0oigdbyn55g, our mail is muerdemierda@gmail.com. well thats all for now, sorry about the baD english. cheers!!
hi!thanks for the demo,will post it soon in my other blog Crust-Demos,cheers!
Sorry to spam but I was looking for feedback. I just recorded a demo, check out my blogspot for the link. We have a crusty/metal sound.
Hello 7inchcrust,
Sorry to use the comments so as to take contact.
I would like to know if it's possible to exchange links between us?
My blog is: http://the-metal-collection.blogspot.com/
Best regards
hey there, just thought i would say that i was the fortunate ebay seller of the said sound pollution/rotting christ 7' . I went thru a short stage of parting with a few albums to buy motorcyle parts, and when put this 7' up for auction, there was 71 watchers, unbelievable at the time, even people was offering me £100 to buy it now.
A great 7' all the way from the early days.
By the way a top blog...
cheers Andy
Hi Andy,i was a fortunate ebay buyer cos i purchased my copy for a much lower price,15$ or so i cant remember and this is truth not a joke.£100 for this shit?no way man!no way!
Etienne,i added your blog
Dude, you are what god couldnt be, truly awesome and real! Are you into melodic crust stuff?
thanks for ypur kind words Violet,well yes i'am into D-beat,discrust,stenchcore and also into melodic crust.
It's my understanding that Sakis of Rotting Christ also performed vocals on the Sound Pollution side. Not sure if he was just a studio member or a permanent member of the band.
Keep up the blog man, you've got a lot of lost gems on here. Cheers!
It's my understanding that Sakis of Rotting Christ also performed vocals on the Sound Pollution side. Not sure if he was just a studio member or a permanent member of the band.
Keep up the blog man, you've got a lot of lost gems on here. Cheers!
hey thanks for the comment, the info about Sakis and your nice words, this blog is in hiatus now, back in action in autumn (hopefully....as the shit getting deeper and future uncertain),cheers and beers!
I used to trade with Sakis & Spyros (I think it was Spyros, I was friends with him for years & when they became Industiral Suicide. I am almost sure that Sakis didnt do the singing for the I.S side. But I can't be sure I even think someone came to my house in 89 fuck my mind is shot haha!!
I have the demo from Sakis "Satanis Tedium" number 64!! This RC stuff is awesome & I wish they would have carried on with this but hey they wouldn't have been able to make careerer out of it doing the original grind huh? I too have seen the split ep got for £103 or £107 its on my blog from when I put this ep on last year. It's tempting for me to sell my copy cause I'm on the bones of me arse at the moment but dont wanna become one of those dudes selling stuff for profit especially as Sakis or Spyros gave it too me. Anyway popped over to see what you had wrote about them & now I've put my nose in again!!
I fully agree, I have bought my copy sometime back then and although I am also living hand to mouth atm and could use any penny I can get, parting with my records would be the ultimate solution when nothing else would work (as in "well, lose your place and see where to store your collection or sell parts of it and keep a place to live in and store the records" - I'd still be very sorry about it even with my face down in the gutter I guess... :)
I remember that I couldn't believe how much they had changed, if they had not kept the logo (thumbs up for that!!!) I would've doubted that it's the same band. I didn't mind, I was just very surprised. It worked out for them and as far as I can tell they seemed to remain honest about what they were doing, so.... Thanks for the memories! Needless to say, but SP were awesome anyway!
you paid $15 because you bought a bootleg
that's way is not numbered on the back of the cover and matrix on the dead wax is scratched, anyway that triple colored never existed on the original press :)
I thought that too but I thought maybe they made a few. Mine's like a clear grey vinyl. There are loads of bootleg copies of stuff around seen a Mellakka ep from Malaysia for £5 the other day surly the original one is worth more with just the white label?
thanks -Chris-,in that case i 've been fooled... but i don't regret. i wasn't fan of Rotting Christ,i purchased this because of Sound Pollution and their connection with Industrial Suicide (they are one of the first bands i ve seen on stage back in late '80's)and because of the low price,the next day the seller put another copy for sale,he probly has a bunch of this.
Agz stands correct,is just a white label enough to rise the price of a piece of wax and a piece of paper just cos is the "original"? bootlegs can save you a lot of money
hey man thank you so much for the video, fuck it is beautiful; 21 minutes of glory. seriously, THANKS. A LOT.
i also have the boot...i love it... it has a nice production anyway and looks great :)
Oh don't get me wrong I couldn't give a crap either way not quite sure what you mean "Agz stands correct" All I'm saying is the I have the original & that prob should be worth more than the bootleg? Is it worth buying the bootleg when you may as well just have the digital version cause if you're a record collector you'd want the original in theory? I don't collect vinyl anymore so thats prob why it doesnt mean a great deal to me. It's a boss record anyway sums up the stuff that was coming out of a decent scene at the time in Greece was planning on doing a full zine around this time dedicated to Greece but Thatchers bloody Britain meant a lack of money....nothing has changed fucking Torys back in but hey thats another subject innit!
você tem o álbum phonophobia do extreme noise terror para postar?
to send you an album, I have to do it...where?? I mean which mail!
you could put it in a zip or rar file and upload it to a server then comment here the link or send mail: 7inchcrust(at)gmail(dot)com
and don't forget to include a brief story of your band,=,
we want post
we want post
we want post
we want post
not time for blogging,i spend my time watching Katerina Stikoudi's vids!!!!!!lol lol lol lol lol lol
well yes, there will be a new post soon (i hope)but don't know when
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