Sisters of Percy Records (Percy not Mercy) is the label behind this little gem, this was released in 1988 and came in fold out paper sleeve in 2000 copies, all tracks were exclusive recordings and the variety of bands (from death metal to punk rock and from hardcore to reggae) is strange and unusual to the standards of a compilation record (remember Pathological comp with bands coming from different genres, though not much brutality here except Bolt Thrower).
So there are four bands here and a bonus track, a ranting by Geoff Simmons. Culture Shock were a reggae band and incl.people from Subhumans (thanks to Mr filosofos for the info), Instingators started in 1980 in Dewsbury, England with Paul "Hammy" Halmshaw (who later started Peaceville Records) being one of founding members and they had a shitload of recordings, check wikipedia for many details, loads of their releases are posted in blogs. H.D.Q. were from Sunderland, they were active about the same time (85-90), they run this site , also there is a band's history in Kill From The Heart. Bolt Thrower were the Bolt Thrower we know. Apart from this ep, Sisters of Percy are behind Surf Weasel's A Mind of Your own 7" (1991) and the recent release of Liberty...We Want The Real Thing lp comp. (incl. Citizen Fish, Surf Weasels etc)
This was Polka Slam/ Crisis Point, this is not my rip and i can't remember where or when i got it, actually the crisis point is in Japan right now with destruction, dead and missing people and the nightmare lurking inside reactors at nuclear plants.

μπηκα στον πειρασμο και το κατεβασα. λοιπον υπαρχει ενα λαθος.η αριθμηση των κομματιων ειναι σωστη απλως η ονομασια που εδωσες στο κομματι 2 και 4 ειναι λανθασμενη.2-h.d.q.... kai oxi 2-instigators....το ιδιο και με το κομματι υπ αριθμον 4.
τωρα προσωπικα οι culture shock ξεπηδησαν απο τους subhumans και ειναι καθε φορα που ακους culture shock σαν να πλαναται το φαντασμα των subhumans.η φωνη ειναι χαρακτηριστικη και συνδεθηκε με τους αναρχοπανκηδες subhumans και αυτο με χαλαει στους culture shock.
για τους instigators να πω οτι στην ουσια εχουν 2 περιοδους..η πρωτη τους περιοδος ειναι η καλυτερη με φανταστικα κομματια - απο ενα σημειο και μετα ειναι ψιλοπαρακμη - το τραγουδι ειναι απο την 2η περιοδο-μετριο.
οι h.d.q. απο την αλλη βγαλαν καποια στιγμη εναν παρα πολυ καλο δισκο you suck! lp που μαλλον ποτε δεν ξεπερασαν.
ευχαριστω για τη διορθωση, το αλλαξα κ ειναι οκ(ειμαι απαραδεκτος,αρκει να προσεξεις τους στιχους οταν παιζει το κομματι αλλα οπως ειπα δεν ειναι δικο μου το rip)ευχαριστω κ για τις υπολοιπες πληροφοριες.cheers!
Alright Agz here check out my latest blog please it all stems from dude going behind my back contacting MEDIAFIRE to get files wiped off please comment as well http://agzdaredz.blogspot.com/2011/03/a20-records-why-write-to-me-something.html
I found a copy of this single in a box at a flea market in New York City. Not all the tracks were exclusives though; the Bolt Thrower track is from their second album, Realm of Chaos. A live BBC version of the Instigators track was released in 1989, so technically this one is still exclusive I guess.
Good stuff.
thanks for the info,this is not my rip,i have not a real copy thus the mistake.now i got curious about Drowned in Tormend, i have to compare the track in both, Realm.. and Polka.. :).thanks anyway. A copy was sold on ebay for only a few pounds some weeks ago
Hi. The Bolt Thrower track was a different version of Drowned in Torment to that on the LP. All recordings (rather than songs) had to be unique to be on the EP. You've done a great job on the write up but the EP was not free. It was very much included in the £2 cost (my zine Crisispoint and Polka Slam were both typically well under a pound). Cheers, Steve, Sisters of Percy Records (now artofthestate dot co uk)
Hi Steve,thanks for the info and for correcting me,cheers!
Dead link. Any chance of a reup?
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