We met SHoS here for first time in "Jedem das seime", one of the first posts of this blog, "Charge ahead" was released in 2004 by the London Uk label La Vida Es Un Mus and just like the most SHOS records is sold out but if you are lucky enough you may find a copy in some obscure distro somewhere around the globe. It was recorded in Son Serra de Marina Mallorca in June of '03 and consists three tracks and 6 minutes of hc crust, including one Appentix cover. It comes in a gatefold cover with lyrics and a statement by S.A. Kierkegaard.
I dont want to keep it short but there 's no much to say here because you already know a lot about these dudes:The cover artwork is bleak and cold just like the lyrical content, the familiar voice of Jack Control spits the caustic lyrics and Todd mixes scandicore elements in his noisy riffs while Kelly and Chris keep the rhythm section machine in high speed.
La Vida Es Un Mus is not well known around, a small flyer was included in my copy informing about some LVEUM releases: E-150/Zanussi-split 7", Limpwrist-lp, Destruccion-SIDA-split ep, Destruccion/Nailbiter split lp and Dir Yassin-Hitpakchut 7"
in 2007, Severed Head of State returned with Power hazzard lp (a review is here), the cd version includes "Charge ahead" and "Fucking buchery" as bonus
1:Born to be hanged
2:Charge ahead
3:Kuitenkin kuolemme (We all die anyway)

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