The other two bands stand equal to Deviated Instinct: Revulsion deliver two hardcore tracks and Rhetoric two noisy outbreaks. Revulsion was a Norfolk outfit,they were born from the ashes of Scattered Remains and Ancient Creation, searching the web i discovered two records:"Ever get the feeling of utter revulsion" lp (1985 on Radical Change Records) and "The only revolution" 7" on Nabate Records in 1991. Apart from "Consolidation" there is a Revulsion track in "Anarcho punk vol 3-Anti-society" comp cd (Overground Records), a track from their early days in "We wont be your fucking poor"(Mortarhate) and in "Words worth shouting" (Radical Change) and "A Vile Peace"(Peaceville). There is also a demo tape a rehearsal, both from 1986, they split around '91
I know only a few about Rhetoric, they were from
Check the new version of Deviated Instinct page created by Snapa here, A Revulsion facebook page created by Steve,member of band is here, a flyer from a gig with these three bands in Norwich in 1987: here it is
1:Revulsion-Out of touch
2:Rhetoric-Studio cafe
3:Deviated Instinct-House of cards
4:Deviated Instinct - Stormcrow
6:Rhetoric-To no one in particular

Nicely done... all the world needs is a little more deviated instinct!!!
check out my blog/show at http://4amtilldeafness.blogspot.com/2008/03/hello-and-welcome.html
Thanks. I <3 7inchcrust
now you are famous:
(see second image for 'fansites')
ahahahha, this is unbelievable! where are these pages taken from? Zero Tolerance mag?
but if you make a google search "only-in-it-for-the-music" you will receive some thousands results (about 70.000), on the other hand "7inchcrust" gives only a few, so who the famous here? :)
yeah from zero tolerance, via the guy who wrote that, posted first at the profane existence forum.
i liked how it said "fansite" and also how 7inchpunk don't get a mention too!
An amazing record - ah the memories of - well too long ago to dwell on :-)
Do you need full scans of the cover?
If so let me know
Matt, this would be great. thanks :)
I was in Rhetoric and was responsible for this release,anything you want to know just ask
Just for the record we were a Yarmouth band not a Norwich band
Hi Andrew, thanks for the comment and for correcting me, i just got Straight (over the )Edge demo tape from Terminal Escape blog, (Consolidation tracks sound much more brutal and crusty than the demo), well there are some things i would like to ask and they will sound typical or cliche: how many demos did you make (is there a chance to get any mp3 of these?) and is there any connection of Rhetoric with other bands? (i know Sean from Rhetoric is in a band from Norwich called Mass Coma along with Andy from Revulsion)
thanks again and cheers
Hello Billy
We weren't too prolific on the demo front,there is one knocking around of Restricted area which was the name of the band before Rhetoric.The original line up was me,Paul "charlie' Harper,and Richard prescott(rip),all from Great Yarmouth,we then went onto recruit Chris and Revs from Norwich,and i guess that's why every thought we were from Norwich.I played in a band with Andy and Simon from Revulsion for a while afterwards called "Scale',and Charlie doesn't play anymore.I went onto be in a rock band for several years
Just noticed i still have 3 copies if this left in my wardrobe,bloody hell
we only pressed 1000 copies of it and it sold really quickly,the idea was to keep the profits from it to make a compilation lp with Norwich bands on it but it never materialised
i just downloaded the demo tape straight over the edge,i had left the band at this point and it was the first time i had ever heard it,still recorded 3 or 4 of my old songs on the demo,ha,ha i never knew that
Hello Andrew
thanks for the loads of infos,i appreciate it, its nice to see band members of records posted here sharing old stories and memories. thanks again :)
no worries m8
Hi, I'm Steve from ReVulsion. Thanx 4 that, also anything else you wanna hear/know, I have just started up a ReVulsion fan page on facebook. Worth a look if nothing else! Cheers
Hi Steve this is Billy from 7IC, thanks for stopping and telling a few words, there is no any shit to ask right right now, eveything i should ask is written in yout page, you have done great work in facebook with many details. thanks for the link and have a crusty new year!:) cheers
andy didnt chris & mick play with Rhetoric for a while so it's norwich sort of :)
plus im sure revs put cash up for this as well
did paul do the artwork ??
This was way before Micks time,Revs did the artwork and me and a guy called Marc Bishop paid for it's release,the band was started by Yarmouth lads i can assure you,lol
Hey everyone.My name's Paul and I played drums for Rhetoric on this record.(Man I was crap).I still have a copy on vinyl somewhere, (but no record player), so it,s great to hear this again. Brought back a bunch of good memories. How ya doing Andy? How's life in sunny Cyprus?
hi Paul.
i was just wondering whats the chance to get a copy of this? i guess one in a million or so...lol lol lol i check Ebay from time to time but there is nothing on the sky
thanks for the comment, cheers
A couple of months ago I saw one of these sell on Ebay for about a tenner. Andy says earlier that he has some extra copies so I guess he's your best bet.
Andrew, if you ever see this comment, please send a mail at 7inchcrust(at)gmail(dot)com
Paul these days i started thinking about owing a copy of this but i was away from my pc.thanks anyway
Hell Charlie,hows tricks mate,life in Cyprus is cool,i do have a few copies of this left,i find it bizarre that 22 years later and they are still shifting,this time next year i'll be a millionaire,lol
hey Andrew i d like to spend my last savings on a copy of this,are you going to sell and start your financial empire?
Glad Cyprus is good, (life in Yarmouth is shite!). It's mad to see this record still being talked about. I played our tracks to Amanda's kids. The eldest laughed and the youngest started moshing violently,lol. Guess we've still got it!
ha ha,e mail your address and i will send you a copy,no need for payment mate
cheers andy
Andy, i don't have your email. send a mail at 7inchcrust (at)gmail (dot) com so we could tell more :)
Good to see this listing gettin' upto date input. I have a load of Rhetoric awaiting listing at http://panzerbadger.blogspot.com/ including: Rhetoric - Lowestoft Rehearsal'86 & Rehearsal'88 + the Mosh, Trosh & Guzzle Demo. More Norfolk related downloadables by Revulsion & Deviated Instinct & even Angry Worta Melonz reside there with yet more in the pipeline. Am looking for the artwork [if any exists] for the Mosh, Trosh & Guzzle Demo Demo. So if anyone can assist [Andy..] i'd be more than appreciative. Email panzerbadger[at]googlemail.com - right enough of this shameless self-promotion. Hooray for Seven Inch Crust!!!
Hi there
A lowestoft rehearsal,i think we only formed in 87,paul help me out on this.We did a really dodgy studio session in Lowestoft,but we only left scholl in 85 and im sure we only started in 87,but i may be very wrong,will be interested to know what the tape you have is though,lol
The Lowestoft Rehearsal has two trax: 500 Million Animals & No Heart. I got it from Chris around 20 years ago. Any info to the contrary would be helpful so i don't start yet another web wide myth. This is our social history & it deserves to be correct!!
...just checked my own blog & read the interview I posted with you [Andy] from Chemical Warfare 'zine #2 from September'87 & you "think we [Rhetoric] formed about a year & a few months ago..." As I said in the previous comment, any info to the contrary would be helpful, as would any further comment/info on the proposed listing of the aforementioned recording. Thanks in advance.
shit i remember that interview,god how you doing,those 2 tracks weren't ours im afraid,i wrote all the stuff and i defo didnt do those 2.You're making my brain hurt now with having to think backso far,ha ha,in that case we must have formed in 86,probably summer 86 or later,but those songs defo dont belong to Rhetoric
Thanks for that Andy. Another piece of misinformation doesn't go viral... So if not Rhetoric then who did record it in Lowestoft in '86?? Answers on a postcard.. I have a number of other Rhetoric related questions to ask so if you'd be kind enough to email me [Andy & Paul] that'd be grand. Also I could send ya the link to download the NOT Rhetoric Lowestoft Rehearsal. Perhaps if ya hears it it might help jog yer memory.
yeah the link would be interesting,i may recognise the racket,me and paul only started to 'learn' our instruments in 86 at the same time,but as i recall we only visited Lowestoft once for a recording session that neither of us now have,so i was kinda hoping that you might have it,anyway my e mail is ajsmith2609@gmail.com,regards Andy
Paul AKA Charlie... Please email me regarding Rhetoric, Lowestoft & Probably More!!! Thanks...
I may have a copy of that Lowestoft studio recording on tape somewhere, although I'm not promising anything. I,ll have a look when I get a minute.
I may have a copy of that Lowestoft studio recording on tape somewhere, although I'm not promising anything. I,ll have a look when I get a minute.
The Lowestoft session is actually the Mosh, Trosh & Guzzle Demo identified by Andy... The 2 tracks that i mentioned before from'86 as you will note from previous comments above apparently is NOT Rhetoric... But if you think you would be able to identify it please email me at panzerbadger[at]googlemail[dot]com so i can send ya the link to download this troublesome recording & pick your brain on Rhetoric related subjects!! many thanks...
Charlie send me your e mail address to ajsmith2609@gmail.com
You know what,that old lowestoft rehearsal 86 WAS Rhetoric,i am ashamed to say that i didnt recognise it,i listened to it again today and it defo is Rhetoric sorry
Hi everyone,
just been reading all the blogs about Rhetoric, revulsion and DI. Great stuff. Just to throw everyone off on a tangent. I was in a band with Shaun Revs (Rhetoric), Andy (Revulsion) and Simon (Revulsion) called "Sluice" around end of 1995. `Sluice´ later became [AUX] unfortunately without Andy. In september 2000 [AUX] also split, I moved to Germany. Both bands had a very heavy sound, but were not CrustPunk. The sound was more ritualistic/experimental and always improvised, no vocals but still with lots of attitude. I still have recordings of our sessions, which I'm now digitalzing. As [Aux] we made a CDr album, which is available for a small price if anyone is interested.
I'm still in close contact with Shaun and have also recently collaborated with him, Also making a CDr Album under the name `No sounds of Man´.
If anyone is interested, you can contact me on my myspace site Search under BLISTERING EARTH.
So, all the best for the new year approaching.
Dibs (Blistering Earth)
Thank you so much for the lyrics.
Hi, Steve from Revulsion again. Just to let anyone who is interested know. Revulsion have just released a self-titled CD on Boss Tuneage records. It's mainly a collection of our better (in our opinion), releases with a few unreleased Tracks. if you buy it from this link (only 6 Quid) you get a free DVD!
Hi Panzerbadger
I was trying to get a link for the lowestoft rehearsal tape but its gone,can i still get it?
Charlie, it's Tim. the older BISH. How are things
I'm on Southwestjonah@hotmail.com
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