Victims of a Bombaraid was the third diamond of Anti Cimex and was originally released in 1984 by Maligne Massacre Records and Anti Cimex and there were three pressings: First pressing came in folded sleeve with lyrics and pics printed inside and had little bits around the title name text on the front cover, "Anti Cimex" was in silver lettering and was also printed on the inside. The second press came in cardboard sleeve it has the name in white and those little bits around the record title were gone, printed lyrics and pics sheet was gone too. Third pressing was on Hardcore Horror Records with printed vinyl labels but back cover says "Maligne Records" and had original Malign Massacre catalog/matrix numbers as earlier pressings. In an add of April/May 1984 issue of Maximum Rocknroll, this ep appears under the title Set Me Free instead of Victims... (check it here)
A short documentary about Sixten Andersson who played bass in "Victims... was on Swedish tv recently, (record sheet says Conrad was on bass though) not strictly related with Anti Cimex but if you love them its worth enough to watch some moments of daily life of an AC member back in 1985. Go here for more. Many details about Anti Cimex interviews, info about pressings of their records, photos, videos, fliers and other obscure info can be found in Anti Cimex Archive of Shit-Fi.com.
Here you got the Hardcore Horror Records pressing from 1989 which looks exactly the same with the second pressing minus the vinyl labels and plus the lyrics/photos sheet, (an earlier pressing will be posted in the near future). Discharge, Varukers, Crucifix and other legends released their records about the same days in early '80's but the bad distribution of records coming from Swedish scene made these Swedish punk records (especially Anti Cimex) to reach unbelievable and stop-breathing prices on Ebay and Victims.. is one of these. Go get it, Happy Easter to all of unbelievers out there and cheers!

weeeeektims of a bombraid!
for some reason it kills me the way they say that.
A20 records will get you to take this off mate cause they have bought the rights to Cimex records they're a bunch a capitalist wankers. They went right through the blog I did (Inc Live one's!)also Discard & svart parad but there fucking cowards & won't contact you personally just report you to Mediafire or whoever you're using!! Just to let ya know mate & if they're reading this can I just say YOU ARE CUNTS & FUCK OFF ;)
Hi Agz,yes i know about A20,its fuckin lame reporting ya without any direct contact,i hope they will not bullshit with me for a piece of vinyl long long out of print and released by another label.
thanx thanx thanx....
be happy and love. kiss
http://hewhowalksbehindtherows.blogspot.com/ & www.escapefromthewave.blogspot.com add my blogs if you like. great blog mate.
you are added,cheers k na sai kala :)
yeah i got mails from Jons from anti cimex, asking me to remove all "illegal anti cimex stuff" from my blog. bullshit.
hope you`re all right, cheers!!
Hi! Nico! glad to see you here,things here are the same and maybe worse than it was in your country in 2000-2001...
mail from Jonsson? hmm weird,i didn't expect something like that
neither did i. worst of all, i replied his mail, but i never got an answer.
sorry to hear about it, i keep hearing shit goes too shitty, and to tell you the truth, things over here are also getting each time worse but still nobody seems to give a shit-
anyway, the recording isn´t done yet, besides the album we may get in a 4-way split, as usual i'll keep you uin touch! besides, im in a new band playing drums so the same for this one!
cheers, we´ll keep in touch!!
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