Warmachine is Detestation without Saira: When she left, the three remaining Detestation members formed Warmachine with a guy named Sakevin (who was previously the frontman of Axiom) handling vocal duties and recorded these four tracks (incl. a Resist cover) for a tour 7" for their European tour in spring of 2000. The first bass player for Warmachine was Alex from Axiom (I think he might have recorded on the split with Yankee Wuss). Kevin was the vocalist for Axiom before Warmachine started. Also after Kevin got kicked out of WarMachine, Mandy from Destroy took over vocal for a short time. they started to record for an LP (or was it a 7') with Mandy but it never got finished and the band disolved.
The tour ep was limited to only 240 hand numbered copies, included a poster and was released by Consensus Reality. Music wise this is close to Detestation plus the Motorhead-ish feeling and the male vocals.
Warmachine didn't last long, they released the split lp with Yankee Wuss in a limited number of copies and then called it quits, members joined some of the well known Portland bands,
That was the short rant...

Dude, awesome stuff as always. I've been frequenting yer site for a while now and it gave me enough inspiration to make my own punk blog.
It's small but it's growing.
Check it out, I've already got you linked so my friends out there maybe you could link me as well so I could start getting some traffic to my site.
mr.white888@gmail.com if you want to slag on me.
I still have the T-shirt that I bought on their gig. The best punk boozer shirt ever. He-he.
hehe, memories of good old times :).
Whitey i added you in link list
Just a few things about this band:
The first bass player for WarMachine was Alex from Axiom (I think he might have recorded on the split with Yankee Wuss). Kevin was the vocalist for Axiom before WarMachine started. Also after Kevin got kicked out of WarMachine, Mandy from Destroy took over vocal for a short time. they started to record for an LP (or was it a 7') with Mandy but it never got finished and the band disolved.
Jeramy, thanks for these details, i edited and corrected the mistake, cheers!
woooooooooooooh!!!!cool band!!!it take me to the deepest core of punk!!!
I cant beleive i have one copie!
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